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Femicide: WINNER OF THE PETRONA AWARD 2023: 1 (Vanessa Frank, 1)

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I began to dive into these forums, and of all the research I have done, as an author and journalist, this has been the worst – and darkest. The award is open to crime fiction in translation, either written by a Scandinavian author or set in Scandinavia and published in the UK in the previous calendar year. que te sitúas con todos los personajes puede parecer un lío, pero hacía la mitad todo va tomando forma y creciendo el ritmo de la novela. Un punto fuerte del libro es el trasfondo ético y moral de la sociedad, la denuncia que hace el autor hacia cierto tipo de movimientos y de grupos que fomentan el odio y el rencor.

Femicide: The New Shocking Scandinavian Thriller - Qobuz

The late Swedish author and magazine editor Stieg Larsson was the first to trace the expanding violence directed towards women in Sweden today and the first part in the notorious Millenium trilogy was published in Sweden under the title Män som hatar kvinnor which translates into English as Men Who Hate Women. The title is also applicable to Engman's novel as it features a wide variety of characters, their social status spanning from the most affluent to the destitute and homeless, who are narrating a story with multiple plot strands that unravels with a raw force, reminiscent of the best works by authors of the magnitude of Jo Nesbo and Lars Kepler. The main protagonist is Vanessa Frank who is assigned to the case of a femicide that took place in the Swedish capital and is initially perceived as the work of her boyfriend who may be incarcerated but at the time of the murder was free on leave from the prison. There are some references to Vanessa's previous case, the story of the first book in the saga (original title: Eldslandet) however Femicide can definitely be read as a standalone featuring a totally self-contained storyline. Perhaps, those who are familiar with the previous work would be more familiar with the characters of Vanessa and Nicola who are once more the duo of protagonists. Care Fenici, questo romanzo è sicuramente un caso editoriale interessante; basti pensare che, sin dal titolo, l’autore si propone di trattare uno dei temi più scottanti dei nostri giorni. Il femminicidio è una piaga sociale di ampia portata e di antica radice, origina da diverse cause e in diversi contesti, tanto che non è facile fare un profilo unico, se non tenendo conto del risultato finale: la morte della donna-vittima. Così, quando mi son trovata questo testo fra le mani, ho sentito forte l’impulso di capire come Engman avrebbe reso questo tema spinoso. The overall structure of the plot is complex involving multiple characters. The interlinkages of the characters to the plot develop in the later sections and come together well. The plot involves incels (involuntary celibates) and their regressive outlook to women. The build-up of how the main criminal character(s) forms his views is very good. There are a few graphic descriptions of violence – sexual and otherwise in the book, some of which is a little crude. I first learnt about incels when I read ‘The Nurse’ by Claire Allan, which was very good as well. Didžiausias knygos trūkumas - labai didelė gausa veikėjų. Nors jie gražiai įsipaišo į knygos kontekstą, bet aš jų visų nesugebėjau atsiminti. Tad kartais tekdavo versti knygą keliais puslapiais atgal. Ir tiems, kas mėgsta paslaptis ir mįsles, intrigos bus mažoka, nes žudikas paaiškėja (yra numanomas) labai greitai.MORE : I was supposed to find out how long I have left to live – The Queen’s funeral has cancelled my cancer appointment Il libro è ricco di citazioni legate al movimento Mee too e all’esistenza di oscuri gruppi antifemministi, che mirano a schiacciare e annientare la figura della donna. La trama è ricca di eventi, anche se a tratti sembra manchi qualcosa che possa davvero renderlo avvincente. A lungo mi sono interrogata su cosa mi suscitasse questo sottile mal contento e, mi dispiace ammetterlo, credo che le cause siano due. La prima è sicuramente legata alla narrativa nordica con le sue caratteristiche particolari, che non sempre riescono ad appassionarmi; la seconda è, a mio avviso, legata al sesso dello scrittore che, per quanto dimostri una certa conoscenza del fenomeno, non riesce a infondere nelle protagoniste del suo romanzo e nelle loro vicende quel quid in più, che solo una donna può conoscere, quel moto dell’animo così diverso dal sentire maschile.

Femicide - Legend Press

I Råttkungen är det hat och våld mot kvinnor som står i fokus, vilket tyvärr alltid är aktuellt. Och den så kallade incel-rörelsen, En rörelse som betyder ofrivilligt celibat, heterosexuella män som lever utan partner, har haft lite eller ingen erfarenhet alls av sex och kärlek. Knyga persmelkta skandinavišku šaltumu ir tamsumu. Autorius puikiai sukūrė vieno "atstumtojo" paveikslą - tokio šlykštaus ir atgrasaus veikėjo, turbūt dar niekur nemačiau.⠀ Taip dar nebuvo! Pasijutau lyg psichologė analizuojanti piktadario elgesį. Mat prieš tai skaičiau knygą "Augant Kainui" (aut. Dan Kindon, Michael Thompson)apie berniukų jausmus ir kaip reikia juos mokinti emocinio raštingumo. Ir nereikėjo net atskleisti detalių, kai pati kuo lengviausiai atradau kokios buvo augimo periode padarytos spragos knygoje "Žiurkių karalius". Tad būtent dėl naujai įgytos informacijos knyga man pasirodė dar įspūdingesnė.

The growing number of men who identify as incels in Sweden is what prompted me to write my novel (Picture: Alexander Donka) I have never encountered so much anger, frustration and violence than from the men who, shrouded in the light of their computer screens, share their hatred for women with the world. My home country, Sweden, is not just ABBA, Kurt Wallander and IKEA. We are also the country with the most incels in relation to population, according to a comprehensive analysis of the user bases at global incel forums. In questa giungla si muove la poliziotta fra donne stuprate, madri uccise, stagiste scomparse e figlie abbandonate. Una sequela di orrori, che il cosidetto “sesso forte” dispensa a quello “debole” dalla notte dei tempi e da cui si salva solo l’ex militare, che a suo modo riabilita il genere maschile, mostrandone il meglio. La detective, Vanessa Frank, indaga sui vari casi senza lasciarsi ingannare dalle apparenze, sino a disvelare un piano molto più oscuro di quello che poteva apparire all’inizio. Both large and small publishers are represented on the longlist, with Orenda Books leading with three entries, and the breakdown by country is Sweden (5), Denmark (2), Norway (2), Finland (1), Iceland (1) and Switzerland (1), with translators Don Bartlett and Tara F Chace having translated two entries each.

Femicide - The new shocking Scandinavian thriller, in English

The Petrona Award was established to celebrate the work of Maxine Clarke, one of the first online crime fiction reviewers and bloggers, who died in December 2012. Maxine, whose online persona and blog was called Petrona, was passionate about translated crime fiction but in particular that from the Scandinavian countries. The Vanessa Frank series is sold in over 20 countries and has been translated into 19 languages including English, German, Italian, Polish and Spanish. [2] Literacy initiative [ edit ] Terrorist groups rarely refer to their targets as humans. For example, ISIS is said to refer to Westerners as adulterers, imperialists and pigs – all as a way to make it easier for their supporters to physically harm and kill. Pros: well-written characters, fast-paced, intelligent and intricate plot, last 25% had me fked up in a good way, ending was fire flameAll in all a fantastic read despite some translation and formatting issues. I'll definitely be thinking about this one for a hot minute. Maria Adolfsson will receive a trophy, and both the author and translator will receive a cash prize. novela policial sueca entretenida, con un ritmo cambiante y unos protagonistas que pueden gustarte mucho u odiarlos. Es el segundo libro de una saga policial, y tiene cosillas que hacen referencia al libro anterior. Yo lo leí sin saber que era continuación, y la verdad es que se nota la falta de información. Hay bastantes diálogos y encuentros referentes al pasado que no terminas de entender y se te quedan muchas dudas en el aire. Si lo llego a saber antes, habría empezado por el principio de la saga.

Femicide (2019) — Pascal Engman

una trama interesante y en parte novedosa, van ocurriendo muchos hechos a la vez, y podremos encontrar bastantes personajes a parte de Vanesa y Nicolás que son los protagonistas. Aquí lo siento pero no he terminado de empatizar con ninguno, ni en sus ratos buenos ni en los malos, quizá por la falta de información que comentaba anteriormente, que se hace muy evidente Tikrai geras skandinaviškas detektyvas be didelių skerdynių ir smurto scenų. Kūrinyje puikiai sugula politinis kontekstas ir feministinės mintys. FATAL ISLES by Maria Adolfsson, translated from the Swedish by Agnes Broomé and published by Zaffre. This captivating winning novel is the first in a series featuring the beautifully flawed protagonist Detective Inspector Karen Eiken Hornby, whose take on life and work make for a strong down-to-earth and modern heroine in the relicts of a man’s world. Pascal Engman] has an amazing ability to constantly accelerate the pace of the story. He absorbs the reader so you can’t stop reading.’ – Inga-Lill Mosander, Swedish journalist

After the stand-alone debut novel, Engman began writing a series about police detective Vanessa Frank, with books Tierra Del Fuego (2018), Femicide (2019), and the upcoming title The Widows, to be published in fall 2020. The Vanessa Frank series is sold in over 20 countries and has been translated into various languages, among them Spanish, Italian, German and Polish. Ce se întâmplă atunci când femeile ajung la putere, obțin drepturi egale cu bărbații și se împotrivesc oricărei forme de abuz, considerând partea masculină o amenințare, o problemă ce trebuie îndepărtată? Răspunsul e unul destul de logic - bărbații se vor răzbuna, însă modul în care aleg să o facă este culmea violenței. Cu alte cuvinte, romanul este un răspuns la mișcarea Me Too, o mișcare pornită de femei împotriva abuzurilor sexuale, dar Engman transformă Suedia într-o scenă a pedepsirii femeilor. TT (8 June 2022). "Bibliotekarie prisas av Pascal Engman". Svenska Dagbladet (in Swedish). ISSN 1101-2412 . Retrieved 4 August 2022. But Frank suspects there is something they’re missing. Could the killing be linked to the rising online movement of men who want to punish women, the so-called ‘incels’? When a survivor of brutal sexual assault comes forward, Frank uncovers more about this shadowy group who, in their own words, have weaponised the gender war and will stop at nothing to make themselves heard. Stokholme randama nužudyta moteris. Savaitgalį buvo paleistas iš kalėjimo jos dtaugas bei dukros tėvas Karimas. Atrodo, jog tampa aišku, kas taip žiauriai pasielgė.. Šią bylą imasi tirti Vanesa Frank.

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